This is the final campaign brief submitted to PRSA for the 2022 National Bateman Competition. In this competition, we worked with The Lymphoma Research Foundation and The Paul Foundation to create more awareness about lymphoma among adolescents and young adults.
We created a student-led podcast, conducted secondary and primary research, and hosted multiple events and tabling hours on campus to help spread awareness about lymphoma to a younger demographic.
This is a presentation from an International PR class I had taken during my last quarter at DePaul. I focused on a campaign that Airbnb executed in China to spread awareness about Airbnb experiences. 
Airbnb's "Lost & Found" exemplified the culture in China and while also staying true to its brand mission and values.
For this class, we worked in teams to develop a campaign for the mushroom-based meat substitute, Meati. As the strategist for this project, I led the team in completing two surveys, multiple focus groups and in-depth interviews. Additionally, I helped lead secondary research and slide deck design. 
This was completed for the PR Campaigns class at DePaul University. 
This presentation was completed with students at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey--one of the top universities in the region. As participants in DePaul University's virtual exchange program, Global Learning Experience (GLE), my group worked with the students in Turkey regularly throughout the quarter. 
Our class client was the United Nations Volunteer Programme,  Global Learning Experience (GLE), DePaul University's virtual exchange program, where we were tasked with creating PR campaigns to attract qualified, highly motivated volunteers to UNV and to promote volunteerism in different regions of the world.
This is a "deep map" created for an environmental science class at DePaul. In this assignment, we were tasked with analyzing a space around us and how we interact with it. From analyzing the history of the area to emotions we may of felt, we created a multimedia depiction of the area and everything surrounding it. According to Harvard, a deep map is both a process and a product – a creative space that is visual, open, multi-layered, and ever-changing.
I was living in Washington D.C., so I chose to do my deep map on one of the most historical areas in the United States: The National Mall. 
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